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HBO, Netflix, Amazon or Disney?

We use them daily, so we decided to compare how user-friendly they are for us.

HBO, Netflix, Amazon or Disney?

We are not only mobile application developers, but also "nerds" and serial enthusiasts. We're all into our own thing, whether it's Ashoka, Ballers or Warrior... We have a few streaming apps that (let's be honest) we spend a lot of free time on. Yes, we open them mainly for the content, but we were surprised by how much criticism there is in the reviews of their technical parameters. And so we decided to subject them to our professional eye and evaluate their functionality.

What did we evaluate?

We focused on the quality and processing of mobile applications, possibly adapting them for tablets. The testing took place mainly on Android versions for phones and we were mainly concerned with the UI and UX design of the applications, but also their technical processing.

On the other hand, what did we not include in our review?

We've avoided judging price, title offerings, web apps, and TV apps.

And the result?

All applications have their pros and cons, but Netflix came out the best in our study, and HBO Max was clearly in last place. Finally, we were also interested in whether there is a correlation between our test results and user ratings on application stores.

Are you interested in more?​​

See what we came up with and detailed reviews of all apps in OUR STUDY.


České appky, které dobývají svět

Poslouchejte recepty na úspěšné aplikace. CEO Megumethod Vráťa Zima si povídá s tvůrci českých aplikací o jejich businessu.

Gradient noisy shapeMegumethod CEO Vratislav ZimaMegumethod Scribble